My shaman master tought me to meditate

The writing bellow was sent to me by a very strong shaman in Germany, her name is Mo. (I prefer not to publish her full name, as he might find useful to have some privacy). I was felling worried about many things and she kindly told me to meditate:

"try a technique which earth you

lie down on your back on the floor, not in bed!. start from tail bone to feel contact with earth, floor. only feel, beeing aware if contact or not. nothing else. continue in one leg down to the toes. feel each toe against your socks. run down with your awarness through the other leg same way...just feeling contact with the earth. check difference with your upper body parts. then go back to tail bone and start from there along your back to a through arm and hands both sides. to feel the top of the fingers you can imagine having balls in your hands and how the top of your fingers growing into the ball a bit. finish with the image that your head lies in a smooth, pillowy cavern. finish of session, if you are still awake and aware;-).

beginners normally falling asleep. try doing it several times a week. dont force..just watch and breath."

Thank you so much Mo! That is so important, isn´t it? Shamans are very open to so many sensitiveness that we need to focus really well to have clarity. I think a lot about you, and I wish you always all the best. Mo is my shaman master :)

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